Tuesday, September 22, 2009

About Me

Hi! My name is Jenni Steinhoff and I am a Sophomore at Grand Valley Sate University. I am majoring in Psychology and minoring in Elementary Education. I plan to teach 1st or 2nd grade special education. I am from Mancelona, MI and I miss being in Northern Michigan all year round.

In my free time I like hanging out with my friends, watching movies, and being a facebook addict. I love to dance and have been doing it for 16 years. I am an active member of the Laker Village Programming Board and I am also a member of the Grand Valley Dance Troupe.

I have never really blogged before, so I hope I can get comfortable talking about history through this blog. I have never really been interested in history, but through History 203 I hope I will learn some interesting information I can share with you on this blog. I will probably write about ancient mespotamia because we are learning about that and I am reading a book on everyday life during that time.

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