Saturday, November 21, 2009

Muhammad: The Prophet of Islam

We have been talking a lot about religion in history. There is always a person or group of people that start a religion and Islam is no exception. Muhammad Ibn Abdullah was the prophet who started Islam. He helped spread the word and made Islam well known in the Arabian Peninsula.

Muhammad was born sometime in 570 AD in Mecca. He was born to a widow and was orphaned when he was a child. He was raised by his Uncle and he worked as a shepherd for his uncle. Muhammad became a very successful merchant and met different people from all kinds of religions/faiths.

He married at the age of 25 to a woman 15 years older than him. Khadija comforted Muhammad and many believe that was god’s doing. Muhammad stayed faithful toe Khadija even though marrying multiples wives was allowed. His wife died when he was 49, but before she died Muhammad was visited by an angel. He was very hesitant, but with encouragement from his wife Muhammad gladly took his position as prophet.

As Muhammad began to spread the word of Allah, he didn’t gain very many followers. The first group of followers went through a lot of hard times. They were stoned, sometimes thrown in jail, and they were refused service by traveling merchants. After this struggle Muhammad got followers in a nearby town and gladly took the job because he was offered protection and loyalty. He successfully escaped to this nearby town known as Yathrib. The Muslims attacked Mecca in 624 and won, but lost a battle in 627. The Muslims didn’t get control of Mecca until 630 and sadly Muhammad died in 632.

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