Saturday, November 7, 2009

The Spread of Religion

The influence of interaction between countries were important in the ancient world. Ideas, products, beliefs,and diseases were traded, helping to produce the society we now know. It is especially noticeable in countries that are far away but share similar beliefs or ways of life.

Religion is one of the most widespread beliefs that were transferred through the interaction of various cultures. Religions such as Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism and Islam became major religions through interactions by trading routes such as the Silk Road.For instance, Buddhism roots began in India yet the majority of its followers reside in Asia. Christianity is similar. It started in one area but it is now one of the leading religions of the world.

Products such a silk also revolutionized interactions between countries. Once silk became a popular product that only the Chinese knew how to create, more people became interested in learning the trade. Because of the boost in trade and the thirst for knowledge others found out how to make it, boosting their economy.

The interactions between different cultures can influence its people and alter their futures. Its one of the reasons many of us come to college, to interact with others from various backgrounds.

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