Saturday, October 31, 2009

Trade Around the Ancient World: By Sea

Trade among countries have always played a major role in their development. Whether merchants traded ideas, customs, items or religions; it all shaped the way we know the world today. In the beginning, early trade was done by foot. Merchants would go to major cities and trade with each other and the citizens. One of the most famous routes by foot was the Silk Road was a connection of trading routes where everything from silk to spices were sold. Soon, another form of trade began to become popular, especially among more developed countries. This was trade by sea.

Trade by sea was desirable for merchants traveling from China to Africa. It was easier and cost less because of the amount of cargo that the ship was able to carry and because it was able to carry heavier cargo. The Indian Ocean became an important trading route especially for trade between Africa and Asia. The Mediterranean Sea was a popular trading area during the days of the Greeks and Romans and the Egyptians traded along the Red Sea. Sea trade was not as common at first but it slowly gain popularity.

Waterway and trade by foot are no longer the only ways to trade merchandise, ideas and beliefs. Trade has grown and expanded. It is faster and more efficient. It is important to look at trade in the past especially since it influence the past so much that it changed the future.

Ways of the World, Robert W. Sayer

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