Sunday, September 27, 2009

Hello there, a little about myself

Hello there, my name is Crystal Moenaert. I am a sophomore here at Grand Valley, and I am originally from Troy Michigan. I am studying to become an elementary teacher. I would love to teach 3rd grade or lower, and history has always been one of my favorite subjects.

A little more about me, I love the outdoors, camping, fishing, hiking you name it. I love all types of music, my favorite genre being country. I belong to a sorority on campus. It has been one of the best decisions I have made considering it has encouraged me to become a leader, and it has given me some of my best friends. I am a concert junkie, I love concerts, and that is a major contribution to my lack of money. My roommates hate me because I watch college football like there is no tomorrow, and then Sunday and Monday night football, oh and baseball too. Basically, I love to watch sports.

With this blog I hope to develop better writing skills since the more often you write the better you become, and considering I will be posting once or twice a week I hope to accomplish this. For the most part I will be sticking to the list of subject postings required. However on our free weeks, I hope to write about ancient empires such as Greek, Roman, and Byzantine because this is what most fascinates me during the time period of this class.

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